Now that we’re falling into that grey area between midterms getting underway and spring break, there’s no better time  to saturate your mind with some motivational and inspiring quotes than the present. Whether you’re looking for inspiration to uplift your mood, reconnect with yourself, or get through a stressful time, take a page from the book of some of the greatest contemporary authors and thinkers around.

“Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.” – Bruce Lee

Whatever you need to do for yourself, give yourself to that practice. Have you been neglecting any of your passions this semester? It may be time to express that missing part of yourself and reconnect with your inner drive.

“Inner refuge is refuge in ourselves, in our ultimate potential. When we recognize and nourish this potential, we have found the real meaning of refuge.” – Kathleen McDonald

Always feel at home in the island of the soul within yourself. It’s always there for you to return to when your day starts to take over. What are some of the ways you like to find your own refuge? Some of my favorite ways are writing by candlelight, meditating, or going for a walk or a run. When you let yourself expand from your core, you expand the whole of your potential.

“There have been moments when my whole life made sense. I knew exactly who I was. The people in my life were all there for a reason. Clearly, and without a shred of doubt, I knew that the reason was love, so for that moment I could laugh at the preposterous notion that I had enemies or that I was a stranger in this world.” – Deepak Chopra

What quote list would be complete without Deepak Chopra? In a lot of his books Chopra echoes the sentiment that the love we send outward is directly proportional to the amount of love we receive, and that by observing those who we keep closely around us we have a window into our own soul’s best qualities.

“I have no talent, I am just passionately curious.” – Albert Einstein

There is nothing more humbling than Albert Einstein’s self-deprecating jabs, but obviously there is more here than meets the eye. If the root of all talent is curiosity, what ignites your passion?

“In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer.” – Albert Camus

Never a bad reminder this time of year, and many of Buddha’s quotes ask us to find our own light. According to Camus the light is within, so take a few minutes to think of 10 moments, people, or things that bring out your own light.

“The wonders of life are there, right in the present moment inside of us and around us.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

How our days would be filled with joy if we retained the child-like quality of viewing the world as an unexplored playground. But who says that you can’t reclaim that idea? Thich Nhat Hanh promotes practices that bring us back to the present moment, and bringing love into our day by focusing on an experience of love from a benefactor that brings out the best wish of happiness in us. One of his practices is to simply sit, close your eyes, and smile. When your body smiles, your mind follows. Give it a try!

What do you think?

Which one of these quotes are your favorite? What is your favorite quote of all time? Add to our list in the comments section below.


  1. avatar zuri_castillo says:

    great quotes…. they got to me

  2. avatar DawsonAshley says:

    I must put these on little slips of paper all around my room. So inspiring , thanks for posting!

  3. avatar Quotes says:

    Good collection of motivational quotes

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