Whether we like to admit it or not, body struggles are nothing new to college girls – but they don’t have to dictate or control our lives.

If you are someone who identifies with or derives a part of your identity from your physical body, and you hear that egoic voice inside your head that tells you that you have to work out harder, or that you aren’t good enough the way you are, or that “he” won’t want you if you look the way you do, then this message is for you. This message is for all of us – we need to learn how to love ourselves a little more.


Here is the practice:

  • Find a picture of yourself when you were five years old, or at least at some point around then in your childhood
  • Decorate it however you like, or leave it plain
  • Tape it to your bathroom mirror, or any mirror that you use every morning to get ready


Here is the lesson (originally from Kris Carr):

Look at this picture every morning as you are getting ready. Think of your child self. How would you treat her, love her, nurture her, and feed her if she were your own child? If you were the mother of little you, what would you say to her? I bet you would feed her yummy and organic things. I bet you would protect her, and want to help her fly with her little wings. You would give her time to play, time to imagine, nap time, and you would take her out into nature. You would show her the world. If she was hurting you would be gentle with her and give her perspective, and remind her that life is good. You would show her, every day, that she is beautiful. If she acted out, you would be patient with her and listen to her, but be kind and acknowledge that that is not intrinsically who she is, and you would remind her that she is better than that.

Recognize that that child, your child-like spirit, is still alive in you. Go forward into your day and treat your adult self as you would treat this loved child.


What do you think?

What do you think of this practice? Have you tried it? In what ways do you show yourself love, and work on your own self acceptance? Share with us in the comments section below.




  1. avatar yesenia says:

    great advice.

  2. avatar Jenny says:

    This literally made me cry. Thank you for posting this, going to do it right now.

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