
eat healthy

How To… Diet. Or, Not Really

I know, I know. There are a ton of these “cheat sheets to slim your stomach” recipes out there. I’ve read them, and tried living them. I’d like to briefly come out with some serious...
coconut oil

20+ Uses For Coconut Oil To Add To Your Beauty Routine and Health Maintenance

So I just so happen to be sitting here with my hair tied up, soaking in some organic coconut oil that I picked up from Whole Foods for about $7! I did some beauty treatments...

Post-Thanksgiving Full Body Burn CrossFit-Style Workout

If you’re looking for a post-Thanksgiving workout, look no further than this CrossFit-inspired holiday workout. All you need is a stopwatch, something long and about mid-shin height to jump over. For this you can try...

5 Tricks To Have A Healthy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving has so many positive aspects to it: being with family, exuding gratefulness and appreciation for the big and little things in your life, and having a great meal with greater company. The downsides? Eating...
full body workout

A Full Body Workout For All Fitness Levels

If you have a limited amount of gym time but want to get everything you can out of your workout, look no further for this full body routine! Here’s how it works: pick your skill...

3 One-Song Workouts

We all have that one song. “Our” song. It’s catchy, we know all the words, it makes us feel like the best version of our selves. It makes us walk a little lighter and smile...
winter run

4 Ways To Run Outside And Fight The Cold

If you’re like me, treadmills can be likened to hamster wheels and can kill your knees after awhile. The obvious solution: run outside. But what happens when you roll over in bed to a winter...
toned legs

The “Perfect 10” Leg Workout, Can Be Done In Your Dorm Room

Let’s face it, the colder months are approaching. Why fight the urge to hibernate when you can do a great workout in your dorm room? With no equipment necessary, clear out some room, pump some...

In A Workout Rut? Try This 7-Day, 30-45 Minute Workout Routine

It’s easy for your mind to talk itself out of working out when you can’t get a mental picture of your routine. Similarly, mindlessly walking into a gym can be discouraging if you’re not sure...
circuit training

A College Girl’s Guide To Circuit Training

Circuit training is one of those terms that can sound ultra masculine and scary, but in reality is a great workout for girls and guys alike that works to tone and strengthen your entire body....

The Perfect Leg Workout You Can Do Anywhere

Just because it’s fall and our legs aren’t bare as much doesn’t mean we’re off the hook when it comes to leg-focused workouts! And no, dancing all night at parties doesn’t exactly count. Read on...
sleep slim smoothie

How To… Make A Smoothie That Can Both Slim You Overnight And Help You Sleep

Yes, you read that right. But don’t take our word for it – the original recipe is by the famous Dr. Oz. By drinking this smoothie before you go to bed, it functions to keep...

7 Reasons To Drink Tea

Sure, the benefits of drinking tea have been listed anywhere from warding off cancer to easing cold symptoms, but what is the truth about tea? The truth is that research is still uncovering more and...

Best Ways To Tone And Slim Your Legs

There is still plenty of summer left – plenty of mini skirted nights and short short days. With that being said, the next few weeks become crucial for getting those sexy toned legs to complete...

How To… Make “Skinny” Pasta

Regardless of your stance on pasta, you no longer need to fuss about the health benefits when it comes to this pasta recipe. It’s ready in about 15 minutes, and it doesn’t have to be...
stuffed pepper

A Healthy Power Food Recipe: How To… Make Quinoa Stuffed Peppers With Veggies

Since it’s summertime, peppers are in season and the healthy recipe possibilities are endless! For one that also pacts a punch with protein and extra vegetables, look no further than this recipe for quinoa stuffed...

6 Foods And Drinks That Burn Fat

It’s time to bust the biggest myth that has been running rampant among college girls, and girls in general, for far too long: not eating will not make you lost fat, especially if you want...

In Honor Of The 2012 Olympics, 20 Awesome Workout Quotes

You can’t escape the Olympics right now even if you wanted to, and the same goes for the workout and fitness frenzy surrounding the games and our favorite athletes. The games are great for workout...