We all have that one song. “Our” song. It’s catchy, we know all the words, it makes us feel like the best version of our selves. It makes us walk a little lighter and smile that sexy-and-we-know-it smile. Well put on that song, whatever it is for you, and tackle one of the following workouts! Each workout takes the length of an average song, so pump up your favorite tune and don’t stop until the music does!
Workout 1
- 30 jumping jacks
- 10 squats
- 20 crunches
- 50 Russian twists
- 5 jump squats
- 10 side lunges
- 20 second Superman
- 30 jumping jacks
Workout 2
- 40 high knees
- 40 bicycles
- 10 incline push-ups
- 5 sit-ups
- 10 squats
- 10 standing calf raises
- 15 crunches
- 30 jumping jacks
Workout 3
- 20 jumping jacks
- 20 butt kickers
- 10 triceps dips
- 15 vertical leg crunches
- 5 jump squats
- 10 jack knife sit-ups
- 30 Russian twists
- 10 lunges
- 20 jumping jacks
And make sure to cool down with a few minutes of stretching or yoga!
What do you think?
What do you think of this workout? What are your favorite workout moves? What is “your” song? Share with us in the comments section below!