
cupcake fondue

A New Party Favor: Cupcake Fondue

For a fun and delicious way to add a cute treat to your next party or social gathering, cupcake fondue is a great way to satisfy your sweet tooth while giving your guests a chance...

A Personal Story From A Fellow College Girl: What Really Happens With A DUI?

To give you an exact date, it was May 28th, 2011. It was around 2 or 3 in the morning. I had been at one of my sorority sister’s houses for a party. It was...

4 Unreal Summer Festivals From Around The World

What better way to celebrate summer than going to an outdoor festival, basking in the sun, listening to amazing music, dancing and indulging in summer culture! Sure, images of ragers from Coachella or other concerts...

3 Awesome Fourth Of July Party Games

Tired of the old barbecue, chat, fireworks routine? Why not liven up your Independence Day celebration with some patriotic party games! Read on for a few that can entertain virtually every age group, and can...

How To… Make Berry Bites, A Delicious Fourth Of July Treat

Not only is this recipe delicious, but it’s fairly healthy too if you’re spending the holiday in your bikini! Each one is about 35 calories, and they’re very easy to make. It also helps that...
glow in the dark frosting

How To… Make Glow In The Dark Frosting And Ghost Cupcakes

Why wait until halloween for a fun glow in the dark treat that also works under a black light? So whether you’re planning a costume themed party or having a rave, cupcakes or other baked...
Long Distance Relationships

LDR: Is the Relationship Worth the Distance?

You watch it on movies, you read it in books, you see it on TV shows, and you’re told to avoid it at all costs. The LDR, long distance relationship, is more or less frowned...
fruit kabob

How To… Make The Perfect Fruit Kabob Flag For Independence Day

Whether you’re throwing your own barbeque for the fourth of July or attending one, fruit kabob flags are perfect to bring to an Independence Day occasion as a favor or a staple snack! They’re easy,...
Recruitment 101

Sorority Recruitment 101: The Basics You Need To Know

Congratulations incoming freshman ladies, you are now officially what any sorority sister would consider a “Potential New member” (PNM for short)! If you’re not a legacy, all that means is that you can potentially become...

How To… Get Him To See You As More Than A Friend

He’s handsome, funny, and charming, and he’s all you can think about lately. I didn’t say a name, but someone popped into your head. Summer is the perfect time for romance, and close friendships sometimes...

How To… Make The Perfect Summer Fish Bowl Drink

As college girls, we may have encountered a fish bowl or two… and hopefully remembered the tale. But regardless, fish bowls make the perfect summer drink because they’re refreshingly sweet and can be shared with...

Be A Better Girlfriend: Great Ways To Communicate With Your Man

Aside from love, there is one element in a relationship that is so important that it can change the depth of your relationship with your guy – communication. When you take the time to communicate...
first date

How To… Have a Fantastic First Date

So, there’s this cute boy you know. You’ve been crushing on him for a while. You met in class, at work, or through a group of mutual friends. He’s funny, sweet, charming – everything you...

How To… Make Margarita Popsicles

Popsicles and margaritas are great on their own. But together? It’s cinco de mayo magic. Taking a great festive drink just one step further. What you need (service size is 12 popsicles) 1 cup water...

3 Amazingly Delicious Spring Cocktails

Regardless of the occasion, be it a party or a casual catch up session with a friend, Spring cocktails are the perfect way to ring in the season. So if you’re 21 and you want...

How To… Make An Easy Fondue Date Night

Let me set the scene… you want to treat your man to a fun date, something different and unique, but you’re not sure what to cook, you don’t want to break the bank, he wants...

How To… Get Ready Faster In The Morning

As college girls, we’re no strangers to that Friday morning rush to class. Or some weeks it’s the every day rush to class. But regardless, these quick tips streamline your morning routine to get you...

3 Types of Guys You Should Probably Never Date Again

Since I’ve been single again, after 9 years of being in relationship, I’ve absolved many dates in the last months… And today I would like to define the 3 types of guys you should probably...