

10 Strategies to Get Your GPA Up in High School

Hey there, future college girls still in high school! Realized your GPA could use a little pick-me-up? No worries, you got this! I’m about to share some super-simple steps that’ll help you level up your...

Tips for Last Minute Resume Building

Picture this: You’ve just found out about a fantastic job opportunity, and the deadline to submit your resume is today. Panic sets in, and you frantically start updating your resume, realizing that it’s been months...

College Major Guide: What Does Your Major Say About You?

For centuries students have been having a contest with each other on who has the best major. This ancient tradition is something all of us are familiar with. This guide has been compiled from vigorous...
class of 2013

Post-College Meditations From The Editor In Chief: Things I Wish I Had Known As A Freshman Girl

As of this past May 20th I am a Boston College alumna. This title comes in many forms: I’m no longer a student but a full-time member of the working world, I’m moving from the...
credit score

Heading Into The Real World: Improving Your Credit Score

As college girls, being independent financially has been a sought after goal since we first declared a major and made career goals for ourselves. Sure, we have four years to wind our way through the...
Mediterranean wrap

Mediterranean Wrap Recipe – Perfect For Work Lunches

Think about the best part of your long day at your internship or job. No, not leaving. Lunch! Taking a good lunch break is a great way to step away from the hectic parts of...

How To… Kill Time At Your Internship

So it’s internship season, and while some are bust bustling around and earning valuable work experience, others are, well… stapling. Either way, killing time at the office doesn’t have to be unproductive. Whether on your...

How To… Start Your Internship Search

Although the second semester of school has just started, it will be over before you know it! Soon you will hopefully be embarking on a fast-paced and career-enhancing summer internship. How do you get that...

Things Every Girl Can Master This Year

There are many reasons to get excited about the start of a new year, the first being that another year gone by means we are another year wiser and more independent, and as college girls,...

How to…Impress at a Career Fair

Whether you are a freshman searching for your first college internship or a senior looking for the start of your professional career, job or career fairs are an amazing resource for college students. But they...

Are You Interested In Writing?

Hi girls! Are you interested in writing? Do you like fashion, beauty, and advice blogs? Do you read a lot of blogs and magazines? Then we would love to hear from you! We’re hoping to expand the...

How to…Write a Better Resume

Whether you’re a freshman in college or this is your super senior year, there is no excuse not to have a professional, up-to-date resume. Plus, sitting down and writing or updating a resume is a...

How to…Build a Business Appropriate Wardrobe Part 2

College is such an exciting (and scary) time, as we are all figuring out what to do with our lives.  No matter what you’re going into, whether it is finance on Wall Street, fashion in...

How to…Build a Business Appropriate Wardrobe: Part 1

College is such an exciting (and scary) time, as we are all figuring out what to do with our lives.  No matter what you’re going into, whether it is finance on Wall Street, fashion in...

How to…Make the Most of Your Summer Job

In this month’s Glamour, they list 10 ways to be a total star at work. While I really like these tips for real world jobs: “Do not babysit for, do shots with, or touch the...

How to…Open a Bottle of Wine

There are few beverages as intimidating as fine wine. Though it may be easier to crack open a beer bottle or twist the lid off some vodka, learning the ins and outs of the world...