Been casually dating the same guy for awhile and want to take things to the next level? Not sure what you want but want to figure things out together? The DTR (define the relationship) talk can...
girls, another weekly roundup of the best of the blog world to share with you! Any big plans for the weekend? Mine include catching up on sleep, laundry, and homework; what an exciting life I...
Hey ladies! Happy weekend! Here are my picks for the best blog posts from the past week to share with you all. Take a look and, as always, add your own in a...
It’s that time of year: chilly evenings, trees changing to hues of burnt orange and auburn, slipping into your favourite fall ensembles without worrying about your perfectly-straightened tresses getting spoiled by humidity. Oh, and apparently...
Here are my picks for the best blog posts from this week! Take a look and add a few of your own: Get pumped for colder weather with winter essentials from Blonde Bedhead Planning to...
If you’re like me, you may have let your physique slip a little bit over the summer. While other girls are fretting over the perfect bikini bod, I’m fretting over trying every flavour of ice...
The beginning of a school year can be very stressful. Trying to figure out a routine that let’s you balance school work, part time jobs, working out, and a social life can leave you feeling...
Hey girls! I’ve missed our weekly roundup of fabulous blog posts for a couple times in a row, so we are overdue. Check out my picks from this week and don’t forget to post your own...
Editor’s Note: This post was written by Ashley Bell, from The 15-40 Connection, and I felt it was important to share with all our readers. Did you know that cancer is the number one disease...
With everyone moving back, we thought some advice on making your room feel like home would be good to share with you guys as you’re decorating your new places! Whether you’re living in a dorm,...
In case you were wondering about the sporadic posting as of late, I thought I’d let everyone know that I’ve been blessed with a lovely bout of end-of-summer cold. This consists of, but is not...
You are back at college, and after a summer in swimsuits and short shorts, your jeans might be feeling a bit snug after all the post-summer-dieting binging; those ice creams, sugary drinks, and...
The following is a guest post from Charmaine of Glamology. Many of us don’t give a second thought to our daily beauty routine – cleansing our face, moisturizing our bodies, applying makeup, or painting our...
Shows like Greek depict sorority life in an exaggerated fashion. So, how is a young college girl to know what to expect through recruitment? And how do you know if that’s what you want in...
When we’re in our college campus bubble, it’s easy to forget that the world is populated with anyone other than 20-somethings and suave sexagenarian profs. But, once in awhile we college girls are dealt with...
As usual, my picks for some fabulous reads from this week in the blogosphere: More back-to-school fun, College Candy brings us the 5 Unofficial Rules to Dorm Living Fashionista shows you how to steal this...
It’s almost time for back-to-school, and that’s the perfect time for a giveaway! This time we’ve got a double prize for the winner: Fresh Wave Stinky Dorm Kit (featuring 16 oz. Crystal Gel and 8...