

How To… De-Stress for Less!

Final exams, deadlines, relationship issues – they all hit us at one point or another. But what happens when they all happen at the same time? We create stress! And believe me, it’s harder to...

The “Pretty Little Liars” Workout, Burn Calories While Watching Your Favorite Show

Whether or not you are willing to admit it, Pretty Little Liars is one of those addicting shows that take us back to high school while still keep us wanting more. If anything, just watch...

4 Foods You Should Avoid To Denounce Animal Cruelty

As an animal lover, regardless of where you see yourself on the scale from dog-cuddler to the woman from PETA who through flour all over Kim Kardashian, there are some foods that can easily be...

Post-Thanksgiving Full Body Burn CrossFit-Style Workout

If you’re looking for a post-Thanksgiving workout, look no further than this CrossFit-inspired holiday workout. All you need is a stopwatch, something long and about mid-shin height to jump over. For this you can try...
full body workout

A Full Body Workout For All Fitness Levels

If you have a limited amount of gym time but want to get everything you can out of your workout, look no further for this full body routine! Here’s how it works: pick your skill...

3 Ways To Relieve Stress In Under An Hour

When it comes to stress… it’s just that time of the semester. Instead of letting it drag out and consume even a second more of your life, kick stress to the curb by trying the...

4 Universal College Girl Phobias

Not to say that we all suffer from General Anxiety Disorder, but there are some phobias and paranoia that college girls seem to universally share. They usually all grip us when we are alone or...

4 Apps That Can Help You Meditate

If you’re a campus yogi, this post is for you. It is also for everyone else who may be looking to learn how to meditate, or learn how to incorporate meditation into your daily routine....

3 One-Song Workouts

We all have that one song. “Our” song. It’s catchy, we know all the words, it makes us feel like the best version of our selves. It makes us walk a little lighter and smile...

3 Great Places To Spend Halloween

If you’re looking to do something a little different today and you have a taste for wanderlust, why not check out some of these creepy locations? Skip the college haunted house parties and check out...
treadmill workout

3 Treadmill Workouts To Tackle

It’s getting colder, and running outside is getting less appealing by the day. With months of cold ahead of us, it’s still crucial to avoid the dreaded workout rut. Read on for three challenging treadmill...
winter run

4 Ways To Run Outside And Fight The Cold

If you’re like me, treadmills can be likened to hamster wheels and can kill your knees after awhile. The obvious solution: run outside. But what happens when you roll over in bed to a winter...

Celebrating Turning 22: 22 Things College Girls Should Have And Know

Yes, today I turn 22. Adapted from the famous “30 list” penned by Glamour magazine, I thought as the Editor-In-Chief of ECG I would do a version just for college girls. I invite you to...
college girl

4 Items Every College Girl Should Own

Skip all of the endless lists of fashion, beauty, food, or any other category’s “must haves.” We all know that while those things are great, there are a few go-to’s that outshine any other tool...
Halloween pumpkin

3 Easy Costumes To Throw Together Last Minute That Are Still Awesome

As college girls, we have to prioritize – sometimes over midterms and getting our life together throwing together our third halloween costume just didn’t make the cut. Also, if you go to one of those...
toned legs

The “Perfect 10” Leg Workout, Can Be Done In Your Dorm Room

Let’s face it, the colder months are approaching. Why fight the urge to hibernate when you can do a great workout in your dorm room? With no equipment necessary, clear out some room, pump some...
live together

3 Things To Know For When You Move In Together

Having recently moved in with my significant other, I realized that there are a few things that no one tells you that every girl should know outside of the obvious trust, honesty, living habits, etc....

How To… Make The Easiest Cheesecake Ever

I have made this cheesecake a few times, and not only is it boy-approved, but it’s budget approved too. Regardless of your cooking level, this recipe is so good that your status won’t...