

Spring Break Prep Guide

Heading somewhere warm this spring break? Well, I set aside my jealous for long enough to offer you a few tips and tricks for prepping to make sure your vacation is nothing but stress-free and...

How To…Take A Summer Roadtrip!

Looking for one last summer hoorah? Taking a roadtrip may be just what you are looking for! No matter if you’re visiting your Grandma a few hours away or traveling cross-country, this how-to guide will...

How To… Backpack Across Europe, Pt. 3: The “Must Do’s”

Hey girls! Before you read this post, make sure to check out part 1 and 2 of this great series! You are at the country you’ve always wanted to visit, now what? What should you...

How To… Backpack Across Europe, Pt. 2: Safety

  Hey girls! If you missed it, check out the first part of our backpacking guide, on packing techniques. Be sure to stayed tuned for the third and final installment, where Tianna will discuss the...

How to…Backpack Across Europe, Pt.1: Packing

Backpacking cross-country, roughing it, and having that once-in-a-lifetime-experience… sound familiar? Want to discover and explore England or Italy? Well, whether you’re hiking abroad, or packing light for a summer getaway, what you bring and how...