“The Freshman Year Experience” from a fellow college girl…

For all you freshman out there, school is over! Wrapping up my finals and packing my belongings, I can’t help but wonder. Did I do freshman year correctly?

My goal for freshman year was to find friends and get a good GPA. Now, if you’re a semi-nerd like me, you can understand why a good GPA is important. True, I accomplished my goals, but something just seems to be missing.

I mean, there’s so much more to college, right? Did I miss the hottest parties, sorority life, the Honors Society Meeting, or the way his eyes looked at me when we said, “See ya next year!”?

Truth is, there’s just so much freshman year has to offer. We constantly run into this dilemma where we just have to do everything. But that’s the thing. You can’t do everything. The best you can do is enough to make your freshman year worthwhile.

And that’s exactly what I’m learning. With the end of the year around the corner, I’m proud to say that, “Yes, I have made my freshman year an interesting experience!”

So to all you incoming freshman out there, enjoy freshman year, but don’t compete to do everything! Just remember, there’s always next year to accomplish more!

What Do You Think?

How was your freshman year? Did it meet your expectations? Let us know in the comment’s section below!

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