The arch enemy of all great nights out: the eyeshadow crease. Not a good look, on anyone. Read on for solutions to tame your eye makeup without look cakey, and enjoy your perfect night with perfect, crease-free makeup.
Primer, primer, primer
Primer. I can’t say it enough. This one preemptive step is crucial for eliminating oily eyeshadow creases before they begin.
To prime your lids you have 3 main options. The first is to dab your lids with primer potion, just a thin layer. Another option, in lieu of primer potion is to use your regular foundation. Make sure to let it sit for a minute before you begin applying the shadow. A third option is to prime your lids with concealer, which is thicker than foundation but often less heavy than some primers can be.
Stick with powder shadows
As fun as cream shadows look, they are more likely to crease than powder shadows. The more matte the shadows are the less likely they are to crease, because just like foundation any matte powder is a better absorber of natural oils.
Finish with loose powder
Just like foundation, sweep on a layer of loose powder over your shadow before you head out the door. Choose a translucent powder, or one similar to your foundation if you want to lighten your look. Adding a light layer of loose powder will set the powder on your eyes, without making it look too cakey.
Use a blending eyeshadow brush
Using an eyeshadow brush is crucial to prevent crease. Sure, I like using my fingers to blend occasionally just as much as the next girl, but adding more natural oils into the mix is setting yourself up for disaster in terms of eyeshadow durability.
A blending brush is thicker than most eyeshadow brushes, and can help pack the powder in deep without separating it too much. Blend, pack, and say goodbye to creases for good!
What do you think?
What are your tips and tricks to get rid of eyeshadow creases? Share your beauty secrets with us below!