Some roommates are better than others. Some of you are going to luck into your best friend, and some of you are getting stuck with someone two steps short of deranged. Hope for the best,...
In a mid-semester slump? We all may be at this point. After spring break, we are in the home stretch, everyone. But summer still seems so far away! It’s even worse if you are waiting...
As summer comes to an end it really makes a person take a step back, laugh at the ridiculous crazy moments that occurred, and truly reflect the experience no matter where or how it was...
It wouldn’t be fall without an overdose of pumpkin flavor. Pumpkin flavored anything and everything, in fact. But this recipe really takes our fall pumpkin addiction to a new level: pumpkin cream cheese. While Trader...
Whether classes started for you weeks ago or just this week, it’s never too late to get the most out of the first month of school – everyone is excited to be back, there is...
It’s finally that time of year where three beautiful words are echoing across the country: back to school! ECG is not immune to the back to school frenzy, and in that spirit we want to...
With classes starting up and our schedules getting tighter by the minute, eating a wholesome meal that you can cook yourself doesn’t have to fall by the wayside. This recipe is easy, delicious, and is...
This is your year – to look haute. With fall fashion trends emerging left and right, spice up your wardrobe with a little snake print, big accessories and more. Paneled pants. Formerly known as...
Lazy days: they happen to the best of us. In between classes, work, friends, clubs, a girl gets worn down! There will be those days you’re so drained in the morning, you can hardly...
What a crazy concept! School, let alone anything, being better! Well, we’ve got to look on the positive side of things, because whether we like it or not, summer is winding to an end,...
Here’s my roundup of the best back-to-school blog posts! Check ’em out for yourself and add any of your own in a comment! A whole section of posts for back-to-school from College Candy...
Going back to school may mean a long drive for many college girls. Before you set out on the highway, be sure to do these simple tune-ups to make sure your car is in peak...
The best part (or, arguably, the only good part) about going back to school is fall fashion! Even as a kid I remember looking forward to the back-to-school shopping and carefully calculating my...
During the lazy days of summer, we often have the luxury of sleeping in until noon, lounging around all day barefaced, and then spending as much time as we like getting dolled up for night out...