If your summer vacation means an internship, full-time position, or even a vacation where your workout time is tight, this half an hour elliptical workout is your workout made in heaven. It has all the...
If you’re looking for a post-Thanksgiving workout, look no further than this CrossFit-inspired holiday workout. All you need is a stopwatch, something long and about mid-shin height to jump over. For this you can try...
If you have a limited amount of gym time but want to get everything you can out of your workout, look no further for this full body routine! Here’s how it works: pick your skill...
We all have that one song. “Our” song. It’s catchy, we know all the words, it makes us feel like the best version of our selves. It makes us walk a little lighter and smile...
It’s getting colder, and running outside is getting less appealing by the day. With months of cold ahead of us, it’s still crucial to avoid the dreaded workout rut. Read on for three challenging treadmill...
It’s easy for your mind to talk itself out of working out when you can’t get a mental picture of your routine. Similarly, mindlessly walking into a gym can be discouraging if you’re not sure...
So you’re bored with your gym routine, and fitness classes aren’t your thing or are at ridiculous time? Let’s be real, we’re college girls, that 6 A.M. cycle class isn’t appealing in any way, shape...
Cardio: the universal love/hate relationship that we all share. While we all love the results, feeling healthy, and doing something good for our bodies, it can become monotonous quickly. And when boredom turns into a...
Whether you’re a seasoned yogi or a first timer, the benefits of yoga are undeniable: your mind, body, and soul – all merged into one during one yoga practice. Beautiful. But with more than...
Want to workout more efficiently and still maintain your own routine? There’s an app for that – and just about everything else really. Whether it’s inspiring your workout, counting calories, or tracking distance, the following...
Having a healthy metabolism means burning more calories more efficiently, as your body is constantly processing fuel in order to sustain itself. Loving your body means embracing and working to maintain healthy metabolic rates –...
If you find yourself short on time, but you have a lunch break or even a long break between classes, all you need is 20 minutes to get a great interval cardio workout that will...
Swimming just happens to be one of my favorite forms of exercise, so I have plenty of great advice for heading to the pool. Whether you’re a pro or pretty new to swimming, here’s what...
The scenario: One of your girlfriends has been begging you for weeks to go to a Zumba class with her. You’ve been hesitant in the past because you don’t know how well you can “shake...
You are back at college, and after a summer in swimsuits and short shorts, your jeans might be feeling a bit snug after all the post-summer-dieting binging; those ice creams, sugary drinks, and...
Ahh…the gym. Back on Dec 31 when you were toasting your New Year’s Resolutions, the gym seemed like a perfectly reasonable goal to sneak into you weekly schedule here and there. But somewhere...