Between summer classes, having a social life, and having a job, it can be difficult to get a good, solid work out in every single day. You probably already know that it’s important to do...
Just because we’re college girls doesn’t mean we can’t have cookies for breakfast. Especially ones that are high in protein with no flour and are sweetened with bananas and applesauce instead of adding sugar… as...
A healthy post-workout snack designed around the content of your workout can make or break your overall results. Just as much as you need to fuel your body, you need to replenish it. Read on...
Don’t worry, no awful drink concoction that you have to drink all throughout the day here. This alternative to the typical “detox” drinks is a natural way to cleanse your system. This drink is also...
The real question is, who doesn’t like tater tots? They’re great for late night, and for a hearty breakfast side. But they’re also not the healthiest choice. The good news is, there is an alternative...
How about the freshman 0? Don’t worry about weight that you lose or gain, just worry about staying as healthy as you can in an often unhealthy environment. Staying in shape in college doesn’t have...
So you’re bored with your gym routine, and fitness classes aren’t your thing or are at ridiculous time? Let’s be real, we’re college girls, that 6 A.M. cycle class isn’t appealing in any way, shape...
Disclaimer: whether you’re a calorie counter or not, or whether you want to lose weight or not, this article is all about learning what typical daily activities can keep you the most fit....
What if I told you that the best kept fitness secret only had to do with one thing – not your training method, not your level of fitness, and not one particular exercise, but time....
No matter what shape your in or what your goal weight is, take advantage of the summer season to be your healthiest self! Whatever your happy weight is, the summer season’s weather and outdoor activities...
Ever get the I-wish-I-could-make-a-smoothie blues when you want a refreshing drink after a hot summer day or after a workout but you don’t have the right ingredients? Well you do, most of the time you...
Greek yogurt has become a popular item on the college girl nutrition radar, and for good reason. Studies have been cropping up everywhere arguing that it is better for you than traditional yogurt, and if...
As college girls, it’s about that time where we have to be responsible for ourselves when it comes to grocery shopping. Being healthy and following a healthy diet makes grocery shopping a make-or-break mission, and...
Sure, you may not be looking your best while sweating your way to a healthier you and it may be harder to catch up with a friend while you’re out of breath, but isn’t sweating...
It’s that one sneaky area we all secretly, or some not so secretly, devote all of our workout attention to – the waistline and abs. It can seem like a hard area to tame, and...
The summer months are finally upon us – the high season of travel and sunshine. When it comes to the former, it can be easy to get stressed out about being outside of your element...
Do you want a healthy option to those greasy, high calorie potato chips you know you love? Why not try this simple recipe for Kale Chips? The sound of using kale to make chips might...
Tired of the same old soak, exfoliate, moisturize beauty routine? Why not add a few beauty tricks to your repertoire from all over the world! Read on for beauty secrets from five different countries. Italy...