One essential part of skincare is effectively removing your makeup at the end of the day. Unless you are the type that looks amazing without any makeup whatsoever, you’re going to need a way to...
Are you tired of trying every mascara in the book, only to find that your lashes still fall short of your dreams? Fear not, because we have the ultimate solution to achieving luscious lashes that...
So, you’ve decided it’s time to start painting your face “like a grown-up”. Maybe someone mistook you for a 12-year-old, or maybe you just want to give makeup a try. Well, Every College Girl is...
Sure, we all have those cavernous, faded, crushed bags floating somewhere in our purse. Maybe they see the light of day regularly, maybe they don’t. It’s time to clean out the cobwebs and re-vamp! Not...
As college girls we’re no stranger to the ins and outs of makeup and beauty – but it’s time to face the hard truth that many of us overlook as we browse the beautiful eyeshadow...
As college girls we often think we’re all beauty gurus – we’ve had years of makeup experiments under our belts, and we’ve picked up a lot of great tricks here and there that are worthy...
It’s a new month, almost a new season, and in that spirit I decided to go for some new beauty products. Read on for my top five favorite beauty products for this month! FYI: not...
As college girls, we like to capitalize on efficiency. In that spirit, with Halloween celebrations upon us I took it upon myself to scour the YouTube beauty community for the best makeup tutorials to get...
I’m about to leak my best kept foundation secrets, and the best part is that the whole routine. takes less than 5 minutes. Ladies, we’ve all been there – sometimes you have good skin days,...
When it comes to makeup, college girls know how to splurge. But we also know how to be on a budget, and in that spirit we know that one easy way to do...
Just like with school, your job, or your love life, your beauty routine can also fall into a rut on occasion. Falling into a makeup or beauty rut is a lot less serious, so have...
Two of the most feared words guys use to describe girls who take too long and are too invested in their daily beauty routines: high maintenance. Don’t be that girl. Read on for ways to...
Sure, while the summer season boasts great weather, fun events, and time off from our usual routines, summer has one kryptonite flaw: less than ideal conditions for keeping makeup looking fresh. The sun can wreak...
The arch enemy of all great nights out: the eyeshadow crease. Not a good look, on anyone. Read on for solutions to tame your eye makeup without look cakey, and enjoy your perfect night with...
Tired of the same old soak, exfoliate, moisturize beauty routine? Why not add a few beauty tricks to your repertoire from all over the world! Read on for beauty secrets from five different countries. Italy...
Bright neons, silver and white accents, pastels… need I say more? Spring makeup is light and fun, but still loaded with pops of color and a little fierceness. If you’re not sick of the cat...
Sure, a little mascara can go a long way. But like all makeup, it only acts as a means to enhance what you’ve already got. So why not take your lashes up a notch and...
It’s no secret that the eyes are what captivate and mesmerize, as well as stand out as the first part of us to be noticed. So why not make them stand out in all their...