

A Minute-By-Minute Interval Running Guide

“Interval running” has become one of the biggest buzz words in the health and fitness world… but what does it actually mean? Interval workouts include rising and falling levels of intensity that ensure that your...
treadmill workout

3 Treadmill Workouts To Tackle

It’s getting colder, and running outside is getting less appealing by the day. With months of cold ahead of us, it’s still crucial to avoid the dreaded workout rut. Read on for three challenging treadmill...
winter run

4 Ways To Run Outside And Fight The Cold

If you’re like me, treadmills can be likened to hamster wheels and can kill your knees after awhile. The obvious solution: run outside. But what happens when you roll over in bed to a winter...

Summer Resolution: Reasons You Should Run

Though there are a million ways to be active this summer, why not try a familiar fallback: the morning run? While it can be too hot to run any other time but morning or sunset,...

5 Apps To Download For A More Efficient Workout

Want to workout more efficiently and still maintain your own routine? There’s an app for that – and just about everything else really. Whether it’s inspiring your workout, counting calories, or tracking distance, the following...

The Perfect Quick Cardio Workout

If you find yourself short on time, but you have a lunch break or even a long break between classes, all you need is 20 minutes to get a great interval cardio workout that will...