

Winter Skin Rescue

Spring fashions may be overflowing the storefronts already, but for most of us, winter is far from over. Common skin problems happen for every girl in the winter: the harsh wind and snow outside, combined...

How to…Stay Kissable All Winter Long

How to have a kissable smile all winter...

Guest Post: Easy Green Beauty

The following is a guest post from Charmaine of Glamology. Many of us don’t give a second thought to our daily beauty routine – cleansing our face, moisturizing our bodies, applying makeup, or painting our...

How to…Shave Your Bikini Area

Some girls are really open about their private issues. I’ve even heard of women going to get Brazilian waxes together. I, on the other hand, am a little more reserved. I don’t really make it a...

The Anti-Type: Skin

Hi girls. The following is the first in a series of posts on what to do if you’re not a specific ‘type’. I’m referring to the advice you get in magazines, blogs, and...

How to…Get a Silky Smooth Shave

During the winter, dry skin and extra layers of clothing can put a damper on your shaving routine. But, you never know when you’ll be invited to a spontaneous hot tub party, and no one...