Hey there, busy bees! It’s no secret that college life is a whirlwind of lectures, late-nights, and the occasional (cough, cough) party. Who’s got the time or space for a workout, right? Well, guess what?...
Who says mornings have to be a drag? Own your day! Start your morning off right with some stretching and light cardio to boost your energy levels, jumpstart your metabolism, and get yourself ready for...
Whether or not you are willing to admit it, Pretty Little Liars is one of those addicting shows that take us back to high school while still keep us wanting more. If anything, just watch...
If you have a limited amount of gym time but want to get everything you can out of your workout, look no further for this full body routine! Here’s how it works: pick your skill...
It’s easy for your mind to talk itself out of working out when you can’t get a mental picture of your routine. Similarly, mindlessly walking into a gym can be discouraging if you’re not sure...
So you’re bored with your gym routine, and fitness classes aren’t your thing or are at ridiculous time? Let’s be real, we’re college girls, that 6 A.M. cycle class isn’t appealing in any way, shape...