(#5 Might be a bit awkward!) You often find yourself reminiscing about the past. Time passes and you start to feel like things are getting better, then it’s back to the same old sad thoughts....
Hey there, beautiful souls! College life can sometimes feel like a roller coaster, with its ups and downs, and it’s easy to lose sight of ourselves amidst the chaos. The good news is that practicing...
In a mid-semester slump? We all may be at this point. After spring break, we are in the home stretch, everyone. But summer still seems so far away! It’s even worse if you are waiting...
We have all encountered plenty of toxic people throughout our lives, and I’m sure we all even have some within our close circle. These people stress you out, make you miserable, and just all around...
Class is a rare thing to come across these days. What is class? Being classy does not mean you have to be boring, stuck up, rich, or any other unfortunate characteristic that has become associated...
The holidays are upon us! And you know what that means: dinners, family and friends visiting, you visiting family and friends, shopping for gifts, party invites, and whatever other holiday celebrations you participate in. It’s...
“Picture yourself when you were five. In fact, dig out a photo of little you at that time and tape it to your mirror. How would you treat her, love her, feed her? How would...
I have to admit, celebrities are rarely people I look to for any kind of personal mantra or gem of wisdom to live by. But as people with life experiences that are rare and do...
Marion C. Garretty once wrote, “Mother’s love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible.” But when it comes to the real, everyday advice from Mom, impossible is...
Sometimes life gets hectic or we are in a relationship that makes us feel like we’re losing ourselves. If this is happening to you, I need you to stop right now. Take a...
Unfortunately, we all get insulted. We don’t always deserve it, but as long as there are mean-spirited people to give them out, there will be insults. Sometimes the insults say a lot more about the...
Magic Hangers are basically black, plastic, cascading hangers. They provide a closet with more space and uniformity, allowing you to have a prettier closet (with more room for clothes). I received some Magic Hangers for...
1, 2, 3 Reader Molly asked us a great question recently: I would love to see a post on how to layer clothing! It’s so cute but I can never figure out what...
Part of having your B.Y.E. (best year ever) includes getting killer grades, while still having fun, and making time for all the extracurriculars you have your heart set on. This will only be possible with...
We all deal with stress from time to time, even during the laid-back days of summer vacation. Here are my three top tips for dealing with stress in a positive way, and without...