Hello there! I hope everyone has been having a pleasant week. ECG is bring back the Best of the Blog Work to fill you in on what other great articles are out in the blogosphere....
It’s the last BotBW before Christmas, so let’s get down to business here and share our favourite blog posts of all things holidays! Hopefully, you’re finished up all your exams and can sit back with...
Hey guys, sorry for the late post. I just made the trek home for Christmas break, so I’ve been busy packing, driving, and unpacking. Yuck! But I’m all settled now so let’s celebrate with a...
It’s been a few weeks since my last best of the blog world list, so I tried to include some older posts from the weeks I missed. It seems like American Thanksgiving lasts for about...
A new month is here, and we’re already one week in, can you believe it? We’ll all be on holidays before we know it, but in the mean time, why not take a break from...
Hey ladies, sorry this post is a day late this week. My good friend who goes to college in another city had her annual Halloween party last night, so I gave myself a night off!...
girls, another weekly roundup of the best of the blog world to share with you! Any big plans for the weekend? Mine include catching up on sleep, laundry, and homework; what an exciting life I...
Hey ladies! Happy weekend! Here are my picks for the best blog posts from the past week to share with you all. Take a look and, as always, add your own in a...
Here are my picks for the best blog posts from this week! Take a look and add a few of your own: Get pumped for colder weather with winter essentials from Blonde Bedhead Planning to...
Hey girls! I’ve missed our weekly roundup of fabulous blog posts forĀ a couple times in a row, so we are overdue. Check out my picks from this week and don’t forget to post your own...
As usual, my picks for some fabulous reads from this week in the blogosphere: More back-to-school fun, College Candy brings us the 5 Unofficial Rules to Dorm Living Fashionista shows you how to steal this...
Here’s my roundup of the best back-to-school blog posts! Check ’em out for yourself and add any of your own in a comment! A whole section of posts for back-to-school from College Candy...
Hey girls! Here are my picks for the best blog posts from this week, let me know if you have any others you’d like to share! Happy Weekend! I love these gorgeous shots from the...
I can’t believe it’s been a week already! Here are my picks for blog posts from this week. As always, leave a comment and let me know if there are any posts you’d like to...