
Hopefully your summer has been the best one yet, but all that fun in the sun and summer party eats can really start to take a toll by the time fall hits. But most of us would like to go back to school looking fabulous, and plus Halloween is practically right around the corner. Here are some ways to shake off the summer excess and feel your best for the new school year.

Get Your Skin Looking Flawless

If you spent any time out in the sun this summer, you could probably use a little exfoliation and hydration. (Or a lot.) On your face you should always use an exfoliator that is either made with gentle scrubbers or a safe acid like glycolic or salicylic acid. On the body however, you can use stronger physical scrubs such as the kinds that have small bits of nut shells. The skin on your body is much thicker than your face and requires a little more oomph to really slough off that dead skin. Whatever you’re exfoliating, it is crucial to follow up with the proper moisturizer.

On your body always apply your lotion while your skin is still wet to lock in the moisture. If you need extra help on your feet and your hands apply some extra strength moisturizing cream before you hit the hay and wake up to softer fingers and toes. Bonus points if you can sleep with your socks on over it.

For your face you should always use a moisturizer that does double (or triple) time in it’s purpose, but what that means for you will depend on your intentions. Acne prone skin does well with a lightweight non pore clogging moisturizer, very dry skin loves some soothing antioxidants with it’s moisture, and all skin can benefit from a daily SPF.

Cut Out the Junk Food

You don’t have to go the route of full on juice cleanse to start making a difference to your eating habits, simply making an effort to cut out the processed foods and focus on whole, natural ones is going to go a long way. That means avoiding things like desserts, white bread, hot dogs…most of the delicious things they serve at summer BBQ’s. Fill your plate instead with lean meats for protein, healthy fats like avocado, fruits, veggies, and whole grains like oatmeal.

Eating cleaner will make your skin look great by cutting inflammation, and it will keep you feeling fuller longer which might help you drop any excess weight. Not to mention, your energy levels will skyrocket and leave you feeling prepared to take on the fall’s course load.

Drink Lots of Water

Drinking water is one of most repeated pieces of health and beauty advice, but for good reason. When your body is hydrated it’s pretty effective at keeping itself running smoothly, but without it things can truly suffer. Your body needs plenty of water to keep your immune system running properly, flush out the kidneys, and an active metabolism. Even mild dehydration is enough to affect your energy levels, memory, and mood. Fill up a water bottle with ice water, sliced cucumber, and lemon, and have you own spa day all day every day to ensure you get your fill.

What can you add?

What is your back to school routine for prepping your bod? Share with us in the comments section below!



  1. avatar Cassie says:

    I definitely go shopping before starting school! Finding cute outfits to prepare for my classroom filled days is how I prep my bod for back to school!! I’m sure every girl is with me on this!

    • avatar Gabby says:

      Definitely. I just turned a teenager not too long ago- I wish I had a car and a job though because the only money they will spend on me is like at Goodwill, Kohls, JC Penney’s or any non-thrift store that has a big sale or something. I really just wish I had my own money for my own clothes. I’m going into 8th grade and I’ll really like to change my style but I can’t. Luckily, at Marshall’s we found pink converse so at least I’m not wearing Grandma/old people $10 tennis shoes this year :/

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