Maya Cagan
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Makeup For Absolute Beginners: Getting Started
So, you’ve decided it’s time to start painting your face “like a grown-up”. Maybe someone mistook you for a 12-year-old, or maybe you just want to give makeup a try. Well, Every College Girl is...
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Sophisticated Notebooks for the Modern College Girl
Whether it’s for a daily diary, a sketchbook, a planner, or for class, you can never have too many stylish notebooks. Okay, so maybe you only actually write in the first few pages and then...
Guide To Staying Safe On Campus
College Safety Tip #1: LOCK YOURSELF IN A CUPBOARD AND NEVER COME OUT. Only joking! It’s a big scary world out there, and by the end of this you’re going to think it’s way bigger...
How To…Make Friends At A New School
So, the new school year has started and everything is terrifying. Everything is new, loud, and moving really fast. Everyone else seems to know what they’re doing. Not only that, but you’ve left all the...
44 Adorable School Supplies You Need In Your Life
There are very few things that can make homework fun. Most of them involve being in a study group with your besties or being tutored by someone seriously hot. When neither of those options are...
How To… Cope With Homesickness At College
Okay, well, the first thing you need to know is that it’s okay to be homesick. It’s normal. In fact, it’s so normal it’s not really a question of whether you’ll get homesick, but how...
13 Fabulous Lunch Boxes for Grown Ups
There are a lot of things that are great about moving out of home and into your own place. But one of the things that is not so great is that your parents aren’t cooking...
11 Last Minute Costumes That Look Amazing
It’s getting down to the wire when it comes to Halloween, and for all of you out there who haven’t actually got a costume yet, Every College Girl is here to help. Don’t worry, we’re...
12 Back to School Dresses Under $35
Staring at your closet and got nothing to wear? Maybe you’ve decided to reinvent your personal style this year, maybe you want to make a memorable first impression. Regardless, your old clothes will not do....
How to…Move to Off Campus Housing
It is time. Time to emerge from the chrysalis. Time to hop out of the nest. Time to leave the dorms, spread your wings, and fly to an off campus pad. It’s a scary prospect....
6 Ways to Find School Supplies for Cheap
Raise your hand if you wish you had more money! I’m pretty sure the only people not raising their hands are the people who didn’t hear the question. But the beginning of the school year...
8 Affordable Backpacks for College Girls
It’s the first day of school. You’re rocking a new ‘do, some kicky boots, and an ultra adorable dress. The truth is you are looking fine and feeling fab. What could possibly go wrong? Needle...
Trigger Warning: Sexual Assault
I woke up yesterday morning to a social media storm. UChicago, my dear old UChicago who I dreamed about attending when I was a little girl and who chewed me up and spit me out...
7 Essential Tips for Decorating Your Dorm Room
It might feel a little hopeless to the decoratively inclined. The dorm room. You can’t put any holes in the walls, you can’t paint, and nothing can encroach on your roommate’s half of the walk...
How To…Get Along With Your Roommate
Some roommates are better than others. Some of you are going to luck into your best friend, and some of you are getting stuck with someone two steps short of deranged. Hope for the best,...