It’s easy for your mind to talk itself out of working out when you can’t get a mental picture of your routine. Similarly, mindlessly walking into a gym can be discouraging if you’re not sure...
Circuit training is one of those terms that can sound ultra masculine and scary, but in reality is a great workout for girls and guys alike that works to tone and strengthen your entire body....
Just because it’s fall and our legs aren’t bare as much doesn’t mean we’re off the hook when it comes to leg-focused workouts! And no, dancing all night at parties doesn’t exactly count. Read on...
There is still plenty of summer left – plenty of mini skirted nights and short short days. With that being said, the next few weeks become crucial for getting those sexy toned legs to complete...
You can’t escape the Olympics right now even if you wanted to, and the same goes for the workout and fitness frenzy surrounding the games and our favorite athletes. The games are great for workout...
Between summer classes, having a social life, and having a job, it can be difficult to get a good, solid work out in every single day. You probably already know that it’s important to do...
A healthy post-workout snack designed around the content of your workout can make or break your overall results. Just as much as you need to fuel your body, you need to replenish it. Read on...
How about the freshman 0? Don’t worry about weight that you lose or gain, just worry about staying as healthy as you can in an often unhealthy environment. Staying in shape in college doesn’t have...
So you’re bored with your gym routine, and fitness classes aren’t your thing or are at ridiculous time? Let’s be real, we’re college girls, that 6 A.M. cycle class isn’t appealing in any way, shape...
What if I told you that the best kept fitness secret only had to do with one thing – not your training method, not your level of fitness, and not one particular exercise, but time....
Sure, you may not be looking your best while sweating your way to a healthier you and it may be harder to catch up with a friend while you’re out of breath, but isn’t sweating...
Though there are a million ways to be active this summer, why not try a familiar fallback: the morning run? While it can be too hot to run any other time but morning or sunset,...
It’s that one sneaky area we all secretly, or some not so secretly, devote all of our workout attention to – the waistline and abs. It can seem like a hard area to tame, and...
Cardio: the universal love/hate relationship that we all share. While we all love the results, feeling healthy, and doing something good for our bodies, it can become monotonous quickly. And when boredom turns into a...
Think back to every gym bag, beach bag, and sleepover bag you’ve ever packed. Before you start stressing out all over again, remember that one item that you couldn’t go without for any occasion that...
Want to workout more efficiently and still maintain your own routine? There’s an app for that – and just about everything else really. Whether it’s inspiring your workout, counting calories, or tracking distance, the following...
Having a healthy metabolism means burning more calories more efficiently, as your body is constantly processing fuel in order to sustain itself. Loving your body means embracing and working to maintain healthy metabolic rates –...
So here we find ourselves halfway through the semester, and while it’s easy to focus on the finish line and blindly lose yourself in your to-do list, don’t forget to schedule a little time for...